/ Climate tech

Barcelona, a city facing the climate change

Discover Barcelona, a city where innovation meets sustainability, where historic charm converges with cutting-edge climate technology.

A city aligned with

Agenda Sustainable
Development Goals

> 75%

of mobility for journeys within the city is sustainable

Norrsken Barcelona is the largest Impact and Tech hub in Europe
Norrsken is a non-profit foundation born out of a belief in entrepreneurship and new technology as powerful forces for positive change.
Breakthrough research institutions boost the climate change
Supercomputing Centre

A leader in Earth Sciences research including state of the art digital twins, climate change predictions, smart cities innovation, etc.

/ Blue Economy
Barcelona, a coastal city aiming to take the lead in Blue Tech

Companies in Barcelona

+ 1,500

GDP of Barcelona


Total jobs in Barcelona

Nexigen: towards a carbon-neutral Port

The Port of Barcelona will invest €110 million in its Nexigen project to decarbonise port activity and improve air quality.

The city hosts some leading institutions closely linked to the Blue Economy
/ World Ocean Council
/ Union for the Mediterranean
/ European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
/ Smart Mobility
Barcelona is moving towards the future of mobility
Volkswagen Group will produce compact electric vehicles in Barcelona
+ 500,000
vehicles a year
Barcelona is actively promoting electric transportation
> 75%

of mobility for journeys within the city is sustainable

EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation  and Technology (EIT)

It aims to become the largest European initiative transforming urban mobility

/ Hydrogen in Barcelona
Barcelona is to become Spain's largest hydrogen bus operator

The city will have 44 hydrogen buses on the city’s roads by the end of 2025 (alongside 232 electric buses)

A pioneering scientific hub: Hydrogen Laboratory

This scientific infrastructure is a pioneer in Europe and provides a showcase of hydrogen technology for business and academia.